Контент патне куҫ


«Википеди» ирĕклĕ энциклопединчи материал
The story of Arrest Memorable (the true story of Martin Guerre), printed by Hubertus Goltzius in 1565 in Bruges. Copy at the Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge.

Микроистори — пĕчĕк территорисен тата пĕчĕк популяцисен историйĕ.

Çавăн пекех

[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]
  • Microhistory—The website of the Center for Microhistorical Research at the Reykjavik Academy in Iceland
  • "What Is Microhistory?", Sigurdur Gylfi Magnusson, chair of the Center for Microhistorical Research
  • Microhistory Network—A group of historians interested in microhistory (2007–)