Тулли мар явăçу
Курӑнакан калӑплав
Тулли мар явăçу — пĕр-пĕр ĕçре еплерех тăнин форми. Ун пек чухне ĕç вăхăчĕн тăршшĕ ĕç паракан палăртнинчен (стандартран) пĕчĕкрех.
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]Тĕнчере
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has Full-Time/Part-Time Employment Statistics 2009 ҫулхи Кӑрлач уйӑхӗн 3-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ. and Incidence Rates 2009 ҫулхи Кӑрлач уйӑхӗн 3-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ. for select nations, based on national definitions.
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- Eurostat 2011 ҫулхи Утӑ уйӑхӗн 5-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ. has data on part-time employment(ĕçлемен каçă) by sex, age group, economic activity, occupation as well as information on the reason for taking up part-time work, and whether or not if it is voluntary for its member states.
- Síle O’Dorchai, Robert Plasman, François Rycx: The Part-Time Wage Penalty in European Countries: How Large Is It for Men?, IZA Discussion Paper Series No. 2591, January 2007
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- Labour force survey estimates (LFS), part-time employment by reason for part-time work, sex and age group, unadjusted for seasonality
- Labour force survey estimates (LFS), part-time employment by reason for part-time work, sex and age group(ĕçлемен каçă)
- Part-time employment rates
- Reason for working part-time
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
- Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status, seasonally adjusted(ĕçлемен каçă)
- Employed and unemployed full- and part-time workers by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity(ĕçлемен каçă)
- Persons at work 1 to 34 hours in all and in nonagricultural industries by reason for working fewer than 35 hours and usual full- or part-time status(ĕçлемен каçă)
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