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Хутшăнаканăн канашлу страници:Rei Momo/Архив 2016

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«Википеди» ирĕклĕ энциклопединчи материал

My congratulations and appreciation

[кодне тӳрлет]

Dear Rei Momo, thank you for your congratulations and best wishes.

If all economic agents in the world were responsible and hardworking, like you, the world is not experienced to the current crisis.

Thank you, dear friend from sunny Italy. You made so many good deeds for Chuvashia, you are a great friend of Chuvashs.

Congratulations to you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and New Year, I wish you health and happiness. Let your dreams come true in 2016 year.

I was at home on vacation from the Internet, because i could not answer you. Excuse me, please.

Your sincerely Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 16:43, 13 Кăрлач уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Hi, Rei Momo! I'm OK. Here is Рита Ренуа. You are wellcome! Have a nice weekend! Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 22:35, 6 Нарăс уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Hi, Rei Momo! Perhaps, I get your letter, but I accidentally deleted it along with the other letters. Probably, there was valuable information. My fault. If it possible, repeat, please this message. My spoken English is not so elegant, meager vocabulary. I think at this time the epistolary style of communication is most convenient. I just could not answer, I was very busy. Good luck, my dear friend. Your sincerely Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 21:19, 9 Нарăс уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Уважаемый коллега,

Большое спасибо всем и каждому, кто вносит свой вклад в развитие Разделов Википедии на языках России. В этом выпуске:

  1. На сайте ВМРУ заработал механизм перевода страниц PageTranslation и настроено автоматическое определение предпочитаемого пользователем языка отображения контента. Служебная:Регистрация переводчиков
  2. В нашем братстве ожидается пополнение: одобрен перевод тестового раздела на адыгейском языке в общее пространство.
  3. Самых вежливых и полезных участников проекта "сосчитает" 'Thanks report'.
  4. В Башкирской Википедии заработал машинный переводчик
  5. Опубликован список наиболее редактируемых статей РуВики за 2015 г.
  6. Статистика: первая полная за месяц на базе WikiStats и помесячная посещаемость за год (заглавные страницы, stats.grok.se)
  7. Подготовка образовательных видео по работе в Википедии и родственных проектах (с субтитрами) вышла на стадию препродакшен.
  8. Категория:Средства массовой информации на языках России и аналог в английской Википедии готовы для улучшения и связывания.
  9. Викимедийцы Башкортостана запустили оффлайн Вики-школу с занятиями и домашним заданием.
  10. Викиновости:Многоязычность: Русский раздел предоставил пространство и всячески содействует развитию версий на региональных языках России.
  11. Участники Викиданных приглашают малые Википедии, желающие повысить энциклопедическую полезность раздела для его читателей, принять участие в тестировании возможностей инструмента Placeholder.
  12. В РуВики запущен проект Сайнпост-Дайджест.
  13. Размещенное на Мета-Вики описание проекта "Википедии на языках России" и его подстраницы можно не только редактировать, но и переводить на ваши родные языки. Добро пожаловать!
  14. Следующий проект коллег из БашВики - Неделя Башкортостана в РуВики.
  15. Чтобы Википедия жила вечно, Фонд Викимедиа создал Целевой финансовый фонд Wikimedia Endowment.
  16. Викимедиа РУ приветствует языки народов России - заглавная страница теперь и на казахском, на саха (якутском) и на татарском. Кто следующий?
  17. m:Wikimedia Russia теперь также и на аварском! Какой будет следующим?

Подписаться/Отписаться. Готовы поделиться своими новостями или опытом? добавляйте ссылку в следующий выпуск!

Dear colleague,

Great thanks go to each and everyone contributing into developing Wikipedias in the languages of Russia. In this issue:

  1. PageTranslation is installed and User's content language preference recognition is set up at Wikimedia Russia wiki. Special:Translator signup
  2. Our community is about to increase: Incubator Wikipedia in Adyghe language is getting its domain soon.
  3. 'Thanks report' "discloses" kindest and most useful wiki-contributors.
  4. Machine translation started working in Bashkir Wikipedia
  5. RuSsian Wikinews published the list of most edited articles in Russian Wikipedia in 2015
  6. Statistics: first WikiStats-based full monthly report and stats.grok.se based two-year monthly Main Page Pageviews.
  7. Filming motivational and educational videos on contributing into Wikipedia and its sister projects (with subtitles) is now in pre-production.
  8. Category:Media by language of Russia and its Russian mirror are ready to be improved or linked to.
  9. Wikimedians of Bashkortostan launched offline Wiki-School with classes and homework.
  10. Викиновости:Многоязычность: Russian Wikinews is ready to lend space and otherwise support development of versions in regional languages of Russia.
  11. Wikidata participants invite small Wikipedias that want to increase own encyclopedic utility for their readers to take part in testing opportunities offered by ArticlePlaceholder feature.
  12. RuWiki partocipants launched The Signpost Digest project.
  13. "Wikipedias in the languages of Russia" project description on Meta and its sub-pages don't have to be limited to editing, you can also translate them in your mother tongues. Welcome!
  14. Next project of our colleagues from BashWiki - Bashkortostan dedicated week in RuWiki.
  15. To make Wikipedia eternal, Wikimedia Foundation has established Wikipedia Endowment.
  16. Wikimedia RU welcomes languages of Russia on its wiki - homepage materials can now be also viewed in Kazakh, in Sakha and in Tatar. Which language is going to join those next?
  17. m:Wikimedia Russia is now also available in Avar! Will your language team be the next one to join our efforts?

Subscribe/Unsubscribe. Ready to share own news or valuable experience? Add a link into the next month issue!

--Frhdkazan (сӳтсе явни) 12:12, 12 Нарăс уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Hello, Rei Momo. I am glad to read your letter. I wrote a bit about the singer. 3-4 days I will be busy, I will add necessary. I am fine.

I am fine. See you later. Good bye! Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 21:39, 15 Ака уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Hello, Rei Momo! I posted your information in this article. I'm going for 3-5 days and can not temporarily available in internente. Good luck. See you soon. Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 09:49, 23 Ака уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Hi, Rei Momo! Something translated into Russian. In the evening I've ended and will write to you. Now I'm busy. All the best. Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 05:05, 10 Авăн уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Hi, Dear Fiend! I am sincerely sorry for the Italian people over the victims of the earthquake and its aftermath. Sometimes nature is restless towards the people. To see that everything around you goes shaking is an ordeal. It is necessary to go through it faster. And go on remembering the victims.

This summer I spent saturated: sister’s anniversary, nephew’s marrying, and many more details.

I wish you health, success in life. Bless you Lord God! Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 07:33, 11 Авăн уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Have a nice Sunday, Rei Momo!!! Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 11:35, 11 Авăн уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Merry Christmas

[кодне тӳрлет]

Dear friend, I congratulate you on Christmas. I wish you and your relatives and friends good health, family happiness and cheerful mood. Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 04:35, 27 Раштав уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)

Unfortunately, I did not find your address. My address: euro2004@inbox.ru Write. Till. Good luck. Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 03:51, 28 Раштав уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)
Exactly: euro2004@inbox.ru But in my inbox is no letter from you. Viktor (сӳтсе явни) 16:00, 28 Раштав уйăхĕн 2016 (UTC)