Байес пулаяслăхĕ
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Байес пулаяслăхĕ — пулаяслăх текен ăнлава Байес теорийĕнче еплерех интерпретацилени (ăнлантарни). Унта пулаяслăх тенине шухăшларăш чăнлăхĕн шанчăклăх капашĕ пек кăтартаççĕ.
Байес теорийĕ тата Байес пулаяслăхĕ тенисен ячĕсене Томас Байес (1702—1761) ăславçăна хисеплесе панă.
Байес пулаяслăхне интепретациленин ак çак варианчĕсем пур — субъективлă пулаяслăх тата логикăлла пулаяслăх.
Байес пулаяслăхĕ тени тăтăшлăхла пулаяслăх тенипе оппозицире тăрать.
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- Computerworld QuickStudy: Bayesian Logic And Filters(акăлч.)
- International Society for Bayesian Analysis(акăлч.) Simpler explanation of Bayesian analysis
- On-line textbook: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms(акăлч.), by David MacKay, has many chapters on Bayesian methods, including introductory examples; arguments in favour of Bayesian methods (in the style of Edwin Jaynes); state-of-the-art Monte Carlo methods, message-passing methods, and variational methods; and examples illustrating the intimate connections between Bayesian inference and data compression.
- A nice on-line introductory tutorial to Bayesian probability(акăлч.) from Queen Mary University of London
- An Intuitive Explanation of Bayesian Reasoning(акăлч.) A very gentle introduction by Eliezer Yudkowsky
- Jaynes, E.T. (1998) Probability Theory : The Logic of Science (акăлч.).
- Bretthorst, G. Larry, 1988, Bayesian Spectrum Analysis and Parameter Estimation in Lecture Notes in Statistics, 48, Springer-Verlag, New York, New York;
- http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Ramsey.html 2019 ҫулхи Ҫӗртме уйӑхӗн 9-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ.
- David Howie: Interpreting Probability, Controversies and Developments in the Early Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-521-81251-8
- Colin Howson and Peter Urbach: Scientific Reasoning: The Bayesian Approach, Open Court Publishing, 2nd edition, 1993, ISBN 0-8126-9235-7, focuses on the philosophical underpinnings of Bayesian and frequentist statistics. Argues for the subjective interpretation of probability.
- Luc Bovens and Stephan Hartmann: Bayesian Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003. Extends the Bayesian program to more complex decision scenarios (e.g. dependent and partially reliable witnesses and measurement instruments) using Bayesian Network models. The book also proofs an impossibility theorem for coherence orderings over information sets and offers a measure that induces a partial coherence ordering.
- Jeff Miller «Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics (B)»
- James Franklin The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability Before Pascal 2008 ҫулхи Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 7-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ., history from a Bayesian point of view.
- Paul Graham «Bayesian spam filtering»
- novomind AG «Outlook categorizing tool based on Bayesian filtering»
- Howard Raiffa Decision Analysis: Introductory Lectures on Choices under Uncertainty. McGraw Hill, College Custom Series. (1997) ISBN 0-07-052579-X
- Devender Sivia, Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial. Oxford: Clarendon Press (1996), pp. 7–8. ISBN 0-19-851889-7
- Henk Tijms: Understanding Probability, Cambridge University Press, 2004
- Is the portrait of Thomas Bayes authentic? Who Is this gentleman? When and where was he born? The IMS Bulletin, Vol. 17 (1988), No. 3, pp. 276–278
- Bayesian Spam Filter for Microsoft Outlook
- Ask the experts on Bayes’s Theorem, from Scientific American
- There is a continuing debate among statisticians over the proper definition of probability. [1]