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(унчченхи 20 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) пӑх
  • .as, - Американ Самоа патшалăхĕн тĕп интернет доменĕ. IANA сайт çинчи .as доменĕн whois уйрăмлăхĕсем...
    425 байт (14 сӑмах) - 10:21, 24 Ака уйӑхӗн 2023
  • Ally Sheedy as Jennifer Mack Barry Corbin as General Jack Beringer Juanin Clay as Patricia Healy Dennis Lipscomb as Watson Joseph Dorsey Jr. as Col. Joe...
    4 КБ (360 сӑмах) - 18:06, 30 Ҫӗртме уйӑхӗн 2021
  • Çичкĕтеслĕх валли тунӑ миниатюра
    regular heptagon. Heptagon, an approximating construction as an animation A heptagon with a given side, an approximating construction as an animation...
    2 КБ (90 сӑмах) - 01:26, 27 Юпа уйӑхӗн 2022
  • AS-7 Kerry — Х-66 AS-8 — Х-23 AS-9 Kyle — Х-25 AS-10 Karen — Х-27 AS-11 Kilter — Х-58 AS-12 Kegler — Х-28 AS-13 Kingbolt — X-59 AS-14 Kedge — Х-29 AS-15...
    23 КБ (1259 сӑмах) - 11:07, 9 Пуш уйӑхӗн 2013
  • the day of all days will be here when we will unite as not 2 but 1 world power...
    321 байт (19 сӑмах) - 18:04, 8 Пуш уйӑхӗн 2013
  • as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Library as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-57731-822-4 as well as https://books...
    14 КБ (1206 сӑмах) - 14:20, 5 Ҫурла уйӑхӗн 2022
  • Что видно в телескоп (акăл. As Seen Through a Telescope) — Джордж Альберт Смит режиссёр 1900 çулта ӳкернĕ британ мусăк илемлĕ камичĕ. «Что видно в телескоп»(акăлч...
    895 байт (30 сӑмах) - 11:17, 19 Чӳк уйӑхӗн 2022
  • as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrews_McMeel_Publishing as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_%26_Schuster as well as https://en...
    58 КБ (7321 сӑмах) - 21:52, 5 Ҫу уйӑхӗн 2024
  • Арапсем валли тунӑ миниатюра
    and can be traced in fragments of the old Arab poetry. The tribes recorded as Ķuḍā'ī were: Kalb [q.v.], Djuhayna , Balī, Bahrā' [q.v.], Khawlān [q.v.],...
    6 КБ (259 сӑмах) - 00:53, 3 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2024
  • Лӗпӗш Battus polydamas валли тунӑ миниатюра
    (French language edition) ISBN 9780948427046 ISBN 0600313816 page 159 fig. 19 as B. archidamas Bsdv., underside (Chile), fig. 17 as polydamas (Mexico)....
    1 КБ (76 сӑмах) - 11:45, 28 Кӑрлач уйӑхӗн 2022
  • — A basic introduction to concepts of Special and General Relativity, as well as astrophysics. Relativity Gravity and Cosmology — A short course offered...
    5 КБ (196 сӑмах) - 08:48, 22 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2024
  • мэн чĕлхисем гойдел ушкăн пайне кĕреççĕ. Ӳкерчĕк:Gaeltachtai le hainmneacha as Ruisis.svg Тĕп статья: Айриш ячĕ Тĕлпулу: Dia dhuit! [Диа ғыть!] = Здравствуйте...
    8 КБ (656 сӑмах) - 12:32, 11 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2018
  • Тĕрĕс тетраэдр валли тунӑ миниатюра
    An Amazing, Space Filling, Non-regular Tetrahedron that also includes a description of a "rotating ring of tetrahedra", also known as a kaleidocycle....
    2 КБ (92 сӑмах) - 02:33, 29 Пуш уйӑхӗн 2023
  • Ылтăн Хапха (тинĕс пырĕ) валли тунӑ миниатюра
    Restored Panoramic Composited View of The Golden Gate, Fort Point, and San Francisco Bay as seen from «Land’s End» near Sutro Heights, c. 1895.(акăлч.)...
    1 КБ (55 сӑмах) - 08:03, 31 Раштав уйӑхӗн 2021
  • of Kerman and Kurdistan as well as in parts of West Azerbaijan and Ilam. Kurds in Iran are divided along religious lines as Sunni, Shi'ite, or Ahl-e...
    7 КБ (383 сӑмах) - 09:11, 30 Юпа уйӑхӗн 2024
  • Лаптак валли тунӑ миниатюра
    Difficulty of Arithmetic and Planar Geometry" is an Arabic manuscript, from the 15th century, that serves as a tutorial about plane geometry and arithmetic....
    2 КБ (113 сӑмах) - 08:19, 8 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2019
  • Талыш ханлăхĕ валли тунӑ миниатюра
    form of indigenous principalities, independent or virtually so, inasmuch as some maintained tenuous links to Persia's weak Zand dynasty. Thus began a...
    4 КБ (289 сӑмах) - 05:25, 22 Ҫурла уйӑхӗн 2023
  • Инерци вăйĕ валли тунӑ миниатюра
    Fiedler illustrating fictitious forces. The physlet shows both the perspective as seen from a rotating and from a non-rotating point of view. Motion over a...
    3 КБ (215 сӑмах) - 18:38, 27 Ҫӗртме уйӑхӗн 2021
  • Тӳрĕ йĕр валли тунӑ миниатюра
    Difficulty of Arithmetic and Planar Geometry" is an Arabic manuscript, from the 15th century, that serves as a tutorial about plane geometry and arithmetic....
    2 КБ (151 сӑмах) - 18:07, 5 Юпа уйӑхӗн 2022
  • Юр кĕлетке валли тунӑ миниатюра
    кĕлетке» — Х. К. Андерсен юмахĕ Юрпике «Викисăмахсарта» статья пур «снеговик» Bob Eckstein. The Snowman as Modern Art // Нью-Йоркер, 1 июня 2017 года. (акăлч.)...
    1 КБ (47 сӑмах) - 08:59, 20 Утӑ уйӑхӗн 2023
(унчченхи 20 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) пӑх