Пăрăхла ярăш транспорчĕ
Курӑнакан калӑплав

Пăрăхла ярăш тра́нспорчĕ — пăрăхсемпе чĕртавара (шĕвексене е газсене), çавăн пекех продуктсене (хуть те мĕнле химилле япалалăхсене, май пулсан) куçарни[1].
См. также
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]Асăрхавсем
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- ^ Pipeline transport (акăлч.). pipeline101.com. Тĕрĕсленĕ 11 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2015.
[тӳрлет | кодне тӳрлет]- Pipeline news and industry magazine (акăлч.)
- Pipeline Politics in Asia: The Intersection of Demand, Energy Markets, and Supply Routes, by Mikkal E. Herberg et al. (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2010) (акăлч.)
- The Dolphin Project: The Development of a Gulf Gas Initiative, by Justin Dargin, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Jan 2008 Working Paper NG #22 (акăлч.)
- UK — Linewatch — a joint awareness initiative between 14 oil and gas pipeline operators (акăлч.)
- «Submarine Gas Pipe Line Taps Undersea Wealth» November 1951 article about first undersea gas pipeline constructed in the US and the problems encountered (акăлч.)
- «The Marvels Of Underground Oil Railroads» Popular Science April 1937 (акăлч.)
- Construction and delivery of compressor stations for a gas pipeline in the Soviet Union by AEG (company video from the 1970s with subtitles) (акăлч.)
- Gas Pipeline Safety: Guidance and More Information Needed before Using Risk-Based Reassessment Intervals: Report to Congressional Committees Government Accountability Office
- The construction of unique Baku-Batum pipeline in the Trans-Caucasus. // "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (USA), 2018, v.3, issue 5, October, p.129-133. (акăлч.)