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  • Талыш ханлăхĕ валли тунӑ миниатюра
    inasmuch as some maintained tenuous links to Persia's weak Zand dynasty. Thus began a half-century-long period of Azerbaijani independence, albeit in a condition...
    4 КБ (289 сӑмах) - 05:25, 22 Ҫурла уйӑхӗн 2023
  • Шахиншах валли тунӑ миниатюра
    flourished. Ashot III (the Merciful; 952—977) transferred his capital to Ani and began to make it into one of the architectural gems of the Middle Ages. The Bagratids...
    8 КБ (503 сӑмах) - 20:48, 23 Раштав уйӑхӗн 2021
  • Oh in the field, of early spring wheat, there's a golden furrow, Then began, the Ukrainian riflemen to, engage the enemy, And we'll take, that precious...
    10 КБ (226 сӑмах) - 18:52, 20 Ака уйӑхӗн 2023